This is our attempt to offer as much as humanly possible to the players and families who truly want it all. We'll also be using the funds raised through this endeavor to ensure our program always has the resources it needs to best serve every player and the community around it. Whether you're joining this club to have more opportunity to improve your game, to receive a more personalized touch in your development, or to help assist our program financially, we sincerely thank you for your support and dedication to us and your child's goals. Please read through this page in its entirety so that you're fully aware of what's included, and be sure take advantage as often as you're able to ensure we all get the most out of this sport and the most out of life. See ya soon!
If spots still remain, you may initiate a $200 monthly recurring charge to become a member of this unique group. With all this opportunity affords, you save well over $5,000 per year in addition to receiving a one-of-a-kind and exclusive experience.
Have your business (or your favorite charity) mentioned and/or displayed at our quarterly parties, along with its logo prominently displayed on our donation page. We'd consider you a sponsor for our non-profit, so this can be a business expense.
Once all 20 spots are taken, you must add yourself to the waiting list linked at the left. If a member ever cancels, the list will be contacted in the order in which they emailed with each person having 24 hours to accept. No exceptions.
These monthly payments are all considered donations to our non-profit, so feel free to use our 501(C)(3) NONPROFIT TAX ID# 46-3770431 for your tax-deduction needs. We appreciate your help in sustaining what it is that we do.
At a specified location after our monthly Saturday clinics, we walk through an hour of game video talking in-depth about ways we could've improved, etc. I'd not only bring my large screen iPad, but we'll also have a projector to showcase the footage for everyone to see. The location and activity of these events will change monthly from a dinner or lunch to perhaps even a special outing where we could hang out. The point of these events is to learn the game at a more internal level, to bond as a group, to maximize the chances of our players reaching their full potential, and to create lasting memories.
Families with multiple siblings may pay for one "spot" that any one sibling may use at any given time. You may also pay for multiple spots, if you'd like for more than one to be able to attend simultaneously. The spots would only apply to the boot camps, combines, and private sessions, as all kids would be able to attend the film sessions at the same time. Our primary objective is to ensure that each player in this group receives a large amount of attention, but we definitely understand your desire to provide an equal share of activities for multiple siblings while also staying within a budget.
At $50/session for others, boot camps are now free & unlimited. Either on weekday mornings or Saturday nights, these are intense workouts for a smaller group of players who can keep up to a no frills workout without needing everything explained to them.
Free & unlimited (with a 4 player max), private sessions are on Saturday and Sunday mornings for those who'd prefer a smaller group setting, the benefit of a lot of explanation, and special requests.
Normally once every 3 months for just a small group, our Agility & Ability Combines are now once a month for those in this group. We measure vertical jump, height, speed, shot, and a bunch more to provide a given score.