50 All-Stars is a Colorado nonprofit youth basketball organization centralized in Broomfield. We operate year-round and specialize in player development and training utilizing the following categories: Workouts • Team Practices • Private Sessions • Open Gyms • Games • Conditioning • Combines • Clinics • Camps • 3-5 Year Olds • Tryouts


staff@50allstars.com 925.979.5027 [ view our full website ]
Create your own reality.
Don't ever be content.
Don't fear the storm.
Don’t fear your greatness.
One life; one chance.
Reach for the stars.
Work beyond what's demanded.
It always seems impossible until it’s done.
The starting point of achievement is desire.
There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.
There’s no traffic on the extra mile.
Work miserably hard for your happiest passion.
Your decisions, not DNA, determine your destiny.
Your dreams won't work unless you do.
Fear regret more than failure.
Go big or go home.
Goals are dreams with deadlines.
Never never never give up.
Your dreams can be reality.
Don't wait for opportunity; create it!
Dream big and dare to fail.
Leave your comfort zone at home.
Mountains won't move, but stones will.
Never let good enough be enough.
Reach for things beyond your grasp.
Without struggle, there is no progress.
You are capable of amazing things.
All it takes is all you’ve got.
Fear is temporary, but regret is forever.
Greatness doesn't reside in your comfort zone.